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Miért becsült az ár?
Az ár azért becsült, mert a rendelés pillanatában nem lehet pontosan tudni, hogy a beérkezéskor milyen lesz a Forint árfolyama az adott termék eredeti devizájához képest. Ha a Forint romlana, kissé többet, ha javulna, kissé kevesebbet kell majd fizetnie.
Miért nem adják meg egészen pontosan a beszerzés időigényét?
A beszerzés időigényét az eddigi tapasztalatokra alapozva adjuk meg. Azért becsült, mert a terméket külföldről hozzuk be, így a kiadó kiszolgálásának pillanatnyi gyorsaságától is függ A megadottnál gyorsabb és lassabb szállítás is elképzelhető, de mindent megteszünk, hogy Ön a lehető leghamarabb jusson hozzá a termékhez.
Rövid leírás:
This volume of the Treasure Book series presents the history of one of the most beautiful Saxon towns in Transylvania, Sighişoara.
Hosszú leírás:
This volume of the Treasure Book series presents the history of one of the most beautiful Saxon towns in Transylvania, Sighişoara. Through these pages, we invite you to make a journey through time, from prehistoric ages to our present day. In the course of this journey you will learn about the most significant events and the most interesting residents of this town on the banks of the Târnava Mare river. You will discover what challenges were faced by the men who built the Church on the Hill, what truth lies in the host of legends surrounding Dracula, and what is represented by the figures which you can see on the Clock Tower. You will be able to read about General Michael Melas, who led a military campaign against Napoleon, and about Hermann Oberth, who designed rockets. You can learn, too, of how disaster befell the town thanks to Gabriel Haller’s wine barrels, what the Sighişoara bath master used to do, and what the event called the Scopations Festival meant for the young people of the town. While this book is intended especially for primary-school children, it can also bring a lot of joy to their older or younger brothers and sisters, maybe even to their parents and grandparents. Anyone interested in learning more about the story of Sighişoara is welcome to leaf through its pages. The wonderful illustrations, full of whimsy, yet historically accurate, are the work of Andrea Jánosi, while the text was written by Bálint Zágoni, drawing on the research work of well-known historians, archaeologists and art historians.
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