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Miért becsült az ár?
Az ár azért becsült, mert a rendelés pillanatában nem lehet pontosan tudni, hogy a beérkezéskor milyen lesz a Forint árfolyama az adott termék eredeti devizájához képest. Ha a Forint romlana, kissé többet, ha javulna, kissé kevesebbet kell majd fizetnie.
Miért nem adják meg egészen pontosan a beszerzés időigényét?
A beszerzés időigényét az eddigi tapasztalatokra alapozva adjuk meg. Azért becsült, mert a terméket külföldről hozzuk be, így a kiadó kiszolgálásának pillanatnyi gyorsaságától is függ A megadottnál gyorsabb és lassabb szállítás is elképzelhető, de mindent megteszünk, hogy Ön a lehető leghamarabb jusson hozzá a termékhez.
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Hosszú leírás:
What possible futures await Europe and the EU? Are we moving towards more just and cohesive societies, or towards further breakdown and fracture? What and where are European values today? What is democracy today? Europe is in flux as we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall, and 15 years of EU expansion eastwards. There is a lack of consensus on European values that underpin European institutions, and the question is whether we can reach a consensus today for a new European social contract or a European New Deal. Faultlines in Europe, East and West, North and South, are growing aggravating social upheaval, insecurity and political polarization. Has Europe lost its chance for global leadership in this new age of uncertainty and become increasingly irrelevant on the world stage? What are your visions for Europe’s future? The 4th Annual Blue Sky Conference addressed these questions and many more. The event offered participants the chance to exchange views amidst increasing global and local, economic, political and social turbulence. In the panel discussions perspectives from Africa, Russia, Turkey and the Balkans are especially highlighted. This volume is a compilation of some of the keynote speeches and lectures that were delivered at the Fourth European Blue Sky Conference, held in Budapest between 7-10 November 2019.
1. Angels and Demons: The Fight for the Soul of Europe, Jody Jensen
2. A View from Central Europe on the EU and the US: A Clash of Civilizations?, Erhard Busek
3. 1989-2019 – Thirty Years After: Re-Enchanting Europe?, Ferenc Miszlivetz
4. Increasing Social Trust Through Restorative Practices, Vidia Negrea
5. Democracy of Incomplete Victories: State, Civil Society,and the Scientific Method, Juozas Kasputis
6. &Post-Liberal& Democracy: A Sketch of the Possible Future?, Philippe C. Schmitter
7. Multipolarity and Multilateralism: Cooperative or Rival Cornerstones of a New World Order, Peter Schulze
8. Will Russia Return to Europe?, Andrey Kortunov
9. Europe and Africa: Towards a Sustainable Equal Partnership, János Bogárdi and Augustin Nguh
10. Can Orphan Crops Stabilize the African Food Supply and Enhance Agricultural Productivity to Tackle Malnutrition, Péter Poczai
11. Room to Move: Disease and Migration in Human History, Daniel R. Brooks, Katalin Bajer, Orsolya Molnár
12. Designing for Change to Sustainable Futures: From Mitigating Bad Consequences to Designing for Better Futures, Ilan Chabay
Europa noch einmal von Grund auf neu denken [Rethinking Europe from Scratch],Albrecht von Müller
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